Saturday, September 5, 2009

How do you approach things?

Everything is an opportunity to learn, and if you avoid certain situations, you are avoiding the lesson that goes along with it.
I try to be positive, but like everyone, I have fears that make me try to avoid certain things. Like public speaking... Not a fan...I get intimidated by people, especially if I don't feel educated enough on the subject of my talk.
Thursday, I finally got all my stuff together and went down to the passport office. I was not happy, and I figured I would be there all afternoon, just to get this bureaucratic procedure completed...Since the U.S. border is now closed to Canadians who don't have a passport, I was cornered.
After the car was parked, I realised that I was missing a beautiful day by focusing on the "sitting in the office waiting" part. I decided to have some fun. I went with my friend Peggy, and we had a nice walk to the office. The security guard was a joker, so we chatted with him for a few minutes and then went on in.
At the first desk, they took my forms, attached my documents, drivers license, birth certificate and then gave me them back with a paperclip and a ticket with a number on it.
Looking at the board, they were at B77...Hmmm...I wonder how long this will take?
Well, not Even 15 minutes later, my number was called.
The Lady behind the desk was very friendly, and after I told her that I wanted to yell out BINGO! when she called my name, she laughed.
We chatted, and she asked my was this passport for me, and a few other questions...she then told me I should have it in 6 to 14 days...but probably closer to 6.
In and out of the passport office in an hour!
Next, I am going to try to get past this speaking in public thing...I am going to work on it and make it easier on myself.
Everything is in the way you look at it!

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