Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer is almost gone...

School started today for the kids...that is the end of summer sign in Ottawa. Fall will be quickly approaching now. While I love summer and the heat that comes with it, I am looking towards winter for the first time in my life. Come on November!

Going to Florida to stay with Peggy's parents for a week is probably the only thing I have to look forward to in winter...not the -40 degree temp, not the walking to work in winter...(I'm thinking maybe snow shoes so I can cross the fields of the farm easier) I hated walking in the winter last year...I can handle the cold, but I'm afraid of falling and hurting myself.

Soon the leaves will start to change color and the Gatineau hills will have every variation of red, orange and yellows imaginable. It's very beautiful...
This morning, for a change I worked out with Footdr69...her in Florida and me in Ottawa.
10 minutes walking, then 1 minute running, then 3 minutes power walk. Invigorating! And I do like to have company, even if my company is 3000 miles away.
I'm learning to like to run. I've never liked it before...OK, maybe once in grade school..I don't know whether it's the fact that I actually can run, or the fact that I never though I would like it...but I'm getting there. I know I don't have to like it to do it...(Jillian says I don't because she doesn't!) I found today, that if I lowered the speed on the treadmill, that I enjoyed it more, because it felt more like a jog not a race. So I set up 2 treadmills, one at a comfortable 3.5 speed and the other at a 5.0 speed for jogging. I walk for a minute on one then carefully switch to the other and run for a minute. I am always happier when there is nobody at the gym at the same time as me, but I'm getting over it. I'm starting to not care who's watching anymore.
Then I go do my weights. I rotate the body part I am exercising so that I don't overwork any one area, also it gives the muscle time to re cooperate and grow. If I start not sweating while doing weights, I hop back on the treadmill for a minute or two. If you're not sweating, you're not working hard enough!
The hardest workout I ever did, (and would like to try again actually, now that I'm more fit!) was 1 minute running on the treadmill, then off for a set of weights 3 sets of 12 reps of whatever...then back on the treadmill for a minute...keep going until done. This keeps your metabolism pounding! ( but I puked twice because I just wasn't used to it)
OK y'all...I'm off to report my points for yesterday and do some work...LATER!!


  1. I am a huge klutz and have sprained/broken my foot many times, LoL. I am worried about falling as well once the cold weather comes. Guess we will need to pick each other up, LoL :)

    Your walk with Ms Footy sounds great! I have been trying to mix my walking/jogging up as well lately. I am no where near running status yet, LoL. But I do try to run for 1-2 minutes, then power walk 5 minutes, then run again. I keep going with that and hopefully one day I will be able to run.

    You are doing a great job, Jenn! Keep up the great work :)

  2. Wow, your workouts sounds awesome. I wish we lived closer so I could follow your routine right there with you.

    You are doing great!!! I am looking foward to the winter as I will be on vacation for a month, yippie, but like you not really looking forward to the snow and cold. I am looking forward to taking beautiful photos in the fall...I love fall the most for photography!!!

    Have a wonderful nite!
